Senegal abounds with lively festivals and events, wonderful showcases for Senegalese music and art.
Kumpo Masks
Masks leave the sacred forest to dance for an enthusiastic local crowd. Masks are part of the animistic Diola culture, people fear and respect masks, consider them spirits who play an important role in solving conflicts between villagers.
Saint Louis Jazz Festival
The Jazz Festival of Saint Louis is such an important event in the international musical scene that the main artists attend it every year. Artists like Archie Sheep, Randy Weston, Lucky Peterson, Jake DeJohnette, Mc Coy Tyner, Ali Farka Tourè, Abdoullah Ibrahim and Joe Zawinul have walked the stages throughout the years. Artists who have changed the Jazz’s history. When the sun goes down, the Jazz’s rhythms mix with the natural African ones.. The festival has expanded its offerings to include blues, soul and rap music concerts that take place in various locations around the city.
“Fanals” at Saint Louis
Celebrated at night during between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, this historic lantern procession has its roots in the lantern-lit marches to midnight Mass once made by the signares. Today it evokes Saint-Louisian history and reaffirms the town’s unique identity.
Dakar Biennale
The Biennale is a lively and colourful event that takes place in Dakar every two years. The festival attracts contemporary artists from all over Africa, who can show their works to the galleries, including paintings and sculptures, performances and other art production.